Select a Questionnaire
Which Questionnaire should I fill in?
Stress-120 for emotional symptoms: Use this questionnaire for emotional issues, such as arguments, family issues, troubles with co-workers, etc.
SAF-120 for physical symptoms: Use this questionnaire for physical issues, such as headaches, aches and pains, digestive problems, etc.
Q-24 use this questionnaire for a rapid assessment. The Q24 chain can be interpreted with both the SAF Up-Links and the Stress Up-Links.
If not sure, fill in the Stress-120 Questionnaire.
At the end of the Questionnaire, you'll see your SAF® chain of numbers. Please enter your email or client key, if you have one, to have a summary of your results sent to you and your practitioner. The SAF® Questionnaires are an integral part of the Self Awareness Formulas of Joseph R. Scogna, Jr. Copyright © 1980-2022 by Kathy M. Scogna. All Rights Reserved. SAF® is a registered trademark.